Thursday, December 3, 2015

Multimedia Project-Blog

I created a small site for my blog posts.

link to blog:


  1. I completely agree that America needs to drastically improve its STEM education. It's sad that some countries that don't nearly have as many resources and opportunities such as the US can beat us on STEM performance measures. STEM education helps strengthen the economy and provides so many more benefits, but because politicians and so many people can't see the inherent or immediate value of STEM education, they dismiss it as something negligible solely because they don't use calculus in their everyday life and therefore are blind to the actual importance of it. Your blog posts really highlight this issue well and I appreciate somebody being knowledgeable of this large issue!

  2. This is definitely a topic that needs addressing. Math and science are so important, and America really needs to step it up. You did a really good job presenting benefits of your proposal to the reader. It seems like an argument that is pretty straightforward and hard to argue. Nice job!
