Watch Roman Mar' TED Talk where he explains to us what makes a good flag in an inventive and unique way. All Chicago citizens should watch!
If we compare Dallas, Texas' flag to the TED Talk video we can see that the flag mostly falls under his rules except for the fact of writing. I enjoy the flag because it basically is a rearrangement of the Texas flag. They both contain the same the colors red, white and blue, but also they both contain the single lone star. The single lone star is a huge staple in Texan culture, for the sole reason that we are considered the "Lone Star State." Most Texans use our flag as a badge of honor, so in result when Dallas developed their flag, they kept to the same guidelines as the states flag. Besides the rearrangement of the flag from Texas to Dallas, Dallas also added their own symbol in the middle. This badge, in my opinion, makes the flag look tacky, but if you take it away, it'll look empty.
This is the flag I have in mind when creating thinking of Dallas. The design is simple in so many ways but it's simplistic, yet the boldness creates a sense of honor and courage. When compared to the state flag, these two designs share the same aspects, the three same colors: red, white, and blue. The blue stands for loyalty. The red stands for bravery. And the white stands for purity. But the main part of the flag is still there, the "lone star." When compared to the Ted Talk video, we must compare my flag to the 5 steps Roman Mar has created. First, can a child remember and be able to draw it. Yes, when looking at my flag it's simplistic design is what should stand out. You should see the three colors but most of all you should look to middle and see the most important part, the "lone star." Second, are there words? No, the original Dallas flag had the name of the city on it, the flag looked tacky as if someone just put a sticker on the top of the lone star. As they in the video, "if you need to write the name of what you are representing in a flag, your symbolism has failed." Third, use 2-3 basic colors. As you can see the flag only has 3 colors, red, white, and blue. Fourth, use meaningful symbolism. As I wrote above, each colors means their own thing for our respective state and city. And last, number 5 is be distinctive or be related. My creation is very bold and distinctive but also relates to our favorite flag, the Texas flag. This close distinction helps Texans see that Dallas holds the states true virtues still.
Hey Jack! I really like what you did with the Dallas Flag. For instance, removing the badge with "City of Dallas" on it. Looking at the five principles for flags, according to TED, there should be no lettering or seals which is why that change was appropriate. I also liked how you kept the symbolism in the flag with the lone star and the red. white, and blue colors. You really kept the flag simple and distinct. This truly does represent Texas and there was no reason to change that. Good job.